Tuesday 18 March 2014

How to get Success in Life.

One who believes that life is a blessing from almighty with one single chance to live and to unleash yourself to the fullest. Yes, my friends, life is a onetime opportunity to do what you were made for and to unleash the talent which was ingrained in you. Whoever takes life a solemn and in considered manner with an earnest attempt and sheer endeavor to strive for success will inevitably live life a life of king’s and with honor and dignity.

Everyone in this world was born with a discrete, specific and unique talent to succeed and to make history, but unfortunately most of us are not able to recognize the talent within, only a handful of people are able to recognize their inner self and the talent within. They are the ones who dream and who cherish their dream delightfully and they are the people who take initiatives. They may fail once, twice, thrice but in the end they will gain the requisite experience and will succeed at some moment of their life. Because they are realistic, no matter life may have knocked them down many a times but their resilience and endurance will be their rescuer, and which will help them to overcome the odds of life.

First thing first one should be able to learn and realize, how these handful of successful people live the magic of practical realization of their talent. You might be knowing, that success is invoked by a dream not a dream dreamed while you are asleep, but a dream dreamed with the eyes wide open, a palpitating heart and a restlessly striving conscious mind. Ever one should dream what they want from life? what excites them? and what lures them? If they found the require answers for these questions, half of the success hunt story is finished.

No doubt you may face people who dream and have the requisite talent to convert their dreams into success, but unfortunately they won’t act or strive for their dreams, my friends you should bear in mind that “Action is the first requisite to success”. You may fail while trying for success, but you will definitely fail if you not try for it. One great scientists of previous century has said “The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary” so take the initiative “himati-e- marda madad-e-khuda ”
One more thing, which I have noticed among the people who tend to get tired and feel saturated at a certain point in their life. Learning should be a continuous process and appetite for knowledge hunt should be a never ending phenomena. By getting tired you are undermining the talent which was supposed to create miracles for you, and to register your name among the greatest persons of the world.

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