Sunday 23 December 2012

Indian indifferences towards kashmir

Few days back an innocent young girl in her early twenties was brutally gang rapped by some drunken goons in a running bus, the barbarism was so intense that her private parts and small intestines were damaged permanently, we as human beings must condemn such an act of inhumanity and aggression against the weaker sex of our society. we must pray for for the early recovery and rehabilitation of victim as she is on ventilator and she has suffered a massive trauma.
 such an event of injustice and barbarism should be highlighted and media has done their job and people are aware about the incident country wide , masses are on the streets shouting slogans protesting for a stringent law should be made against the rape suspects, and that is right their should be capital punishment against the preparators, the punishment should be so intense so that no one would dare to think about such an heinous crime. 
now if we rewind back in the history we must remember the incidents that have taken place in kashmir, some 60 women aging from 14-80 years have been rapped by the Indian army in a single night. And that biggest nightmare which took place in shopian south kahmir where two women one of them was pregnant were brutally rapped and murdered by indian armed forces. decades have passed away from the first incident that took place in north kashmir and four years have passed from the shopian incident but unfortunately justice has never been prevailed, not a single army personal was convicted till now because they always had the shield of AFSPA (armed forces special powers act) again a draconian law. This is what we call alienation in true sense,
In those difficult times people of kashmir stood united and masses from ever nook and corner started protesting against the tyrant and barbarous Indian army, those protests continued for almost six months  
which led to the death of further 115 people , unfortunately no one from india listened to the hue and cry of kashmiri people , at least they should have supported kashmiries in the protest against the inhuman activity by indian armed forces.
it is clear to me and to every kashmiri that indian media and indian people are totally biased and their is a clear cut indifference towards the people of kashmir, this sickining and rotten indian society is making us sick.
wake up indians you must listen to our voices we are also humans and we also feel pain in our nerves.

Every time an indian women is rapped it is called barbarism towards women and when a kashmiri women is rapped by indian armed forces it is just kept hidden as if nothing has happened !!!